Area director

/ Francisco Espinoza

/ Description

Francisco has extensive experience in collective bargaining, anticipation and resolution of union conflicts. He has vast knowledge and experience in the subcontracting regime, regarding the relationship and connection with the main client company; negotiation of contracts for the provision of services and execution of material works, and implementation of the regulations on safety and industrial hygiene. In addition, he has a solid track record in legal defense for lawsuits filed against the employer for compensation for damages derived from work accidents.

/ Education

/ Experience

1987 – 2007
Attorney of the Office of the Prosecutor for the Labor Safety Institute, Metropolitan Zonal Management – Santiago, Headquarters – Viña del Mar.

/ Academic activities

Relator en cursos sobre Ley de Accidentes del Trabajo y sus reglamentos, sobre Ley de Subcontratación e implementación de la nueva normativa sobre Seguridad Laboral y Responsabilidad Civil/ Penal derivada de accidentes laborales.

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