
/ Chile officially joined the Madrid System

April 8, 2022

This milestone consolidates the integration of our country into this International Protocol for the management of trademark applications and registrations, in which 126 countries in the world already participate.


On April 4, 2022, the instrument of accession to the Madrid System was deposited by the permanent representative of Chile before the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and UNCTAD.

The protocol will enter into force in Chile within a period of three months from the notification of accession issued by the Director General of WIPO. Therefore, according to the provisions of the treaty, it will come into force on July 4, 2022.

During the last ten years, Chileans filed more than 32,000 trademark applications in 57 different countries (according to WIPO data). Since this initiative facilitates the internationalization of SMEs, it has been strongly supported by the Undersecretary of International Economic Relations (SUBREI) and by the reactivation plan of the Ministry of Economy.

The Madrid System will help international trademark applicants register in a more centralized, convenient and efficient manner. It will no longer be necessary to contract the services of a representative in each country of destination to enter the applications. The protocol is also good news for companies domiciled outside of Chile, since it adds our country among those that can carry out an international registration of their trademark.

More information available on the WIPO website.

Source: Inapi.

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