
/ Personal Data bill is now on mixed commission

January 4, 2024

The Senate of the National Congress unanimously approved (32 votes) the report of the Constitution, Legislation and Justice Commission, which recommended approving the vast majority of the indications introduced by the Chamber of Deputies to the Personal Data Law project, and reject 24 of these. The rejected indications will be discussed in a mixed commission. These indications are related to the following articles of bulletin 11,144-07:

• Article 1: Scope of application of the law.
• Article 2, letter f): Definition of personal data.
• Article 2 letter g): Definition of sensitive data.
• Article 3 letter b): Purpose principle.
• Article 7: Right of deletion.
• Article 8 bis: Automated decisions.
• Article 8 ter: Right to block.
• Article 9: Right to portability.
• Article 10: Ways and means to exercise the rights of the owners.
• Article 11 paragraph 2: Claim procedure.
• Article 13: Other sources of legality (Public access sources)
• Article 15 bis: Data processing through an agent.
• Article 16 ter: Biometric data.
• Article 24: Special regimes.
• Article 27: International transfer.
• Article 28: Suitable countries and other applicable regulations.
• Articles 34, 34 bis and 35: Classification of infractions and fines.
• Article 41: Administrative process for protection of rights.
• Article 54: Autonomous constitutional bodies.