
/ New Law on Cybersecurity was published

March 28, 2024

Our partner Macarena Gatica participated in the promulgation of this law, which promotes safe digital environments in private and public services and the protection of personal data.

On March 26, 2024, the Framework Law on Cybersecurity and Critical Information Infrastructure was published. This is the first regulation of its kind in Latin America and creates the National Cybersecurity Agency (ANCI), a governing body for the country’s cybersecurity in charge of regulating, supervising and sanctioning all private and public organizations that provide essential services.

Macarena Gatica, in her capacity as director of AmCham, participated in the ceremony to promulgate the Law, together with President Boric, government ministers and authorities.

This new law provides more tools to protect the rights of people in cyberspace, such as identity theft, sending viruses, sabotage, service outages and spam. The law will then regulate cybersecurity and information protection of essential services (SE) and vitally important operators (OIV).

Among the organizations considered under this standard are:

  • Services provided by private institutions in the following sectors: electrical distribution (generation or transmission), transportation, storage or distribution of fuels, supply of drinking water or sanitation, telecommunications; digital, digital services and information technology managed by third parties, land, air, rail or maritime transport, banking, financial services and means of payment, administration of social security benefits, postal and courier services, institutional provision of infrastructure services health, production and/or research of pharmaceutical products.
  • State administration bodies and the National Electrical Coordinator.
  • Services provided under public service concession.
  • The new ANCI Agency will manage incidents, set the regulations and supervise and sanction where appropriate. In addition, these sanctions may even reach 40,000 UTM depending on the offense.