
/ Reform of the Industrial Property Law enters into force on May 9

April 25, 2022

The reform to Law 21.355, which seeks to favor users by making processes aimed at accessing trademark and patent protection more efficient and modern, will enter into force in Chile on May 9, 2022.


Information extracted from an Inapi statement.

The long-awaited reform to the Industrial Property Law, which was published in July 2021, will enter into force on May 9, when the Ministry of Economy publishes its regulation in the Official Gazette. It is without a doubt one of the most important transformations of the last 30 years of the industrial property system in Chile.

Law 21.355, also called the Short Law of Inapi, updates the regulatory framework that dates back to 1991, especially in the way in which patents and trademarks are processed. The National Director of Inapi, Loreto Bresky, commented that Inapi is very proud of this change, which “will directly benefit our users, because it will provide them with more and better tools when processing their industrial property rights”, commented.

Most significant changes

Provisional patents will allow inventors, universities, research centers and companies that initiate a process, to have twelve months to gather all the necessary information.

In terms of trademarks, the Short Law incorporates for the first time in Chile the possibility of protecting non-traditional trademarks, due to a new conceptual definition that offers numerous possibilities. This through the elimination of the graphical representation requirement.

In the following posts you can review details of the main changes that this new law brings.

Main Changes of New Industrial Property Law

Inapi’s Short Law that modernizes the current Industrial Property Regulations was published

Congress approves INAPI’s Short Law