/ Pro Bono
One of the tasks that distinguishes Alessandri and has made it worthy of numerous awards, is the social commitment that our lawyers exhibit through free work, also called Pro Bono.
An essential part of our Pro Bono work is to promote Chilean economic, social and cultural development, for which we have a professional team that shares our human vision of legal practice.
Our firm is proud to promote public Pro Bono work, through which it provides free legal and legal advice to a large number of organizations.
Our firm has received important national and international recognitions. In the international arena, Alessandri has been recognized for several consecutive years by the prestigious British publication Latin Lawyer for his public Pro Bono work.
In 2008 Alessandri assumed a valuable commitment to work with Pro Bono lawyers for the American Continent (DPBA). This first collaborative effort aims to articulate the social responsibility that the figure of the lawyer has in his community, in promoting access to justice to those who are in a situation of indigence and to provide free legal assistance services to those who lack the necesary resources. Prepared under the coordination of the Vance Center, the Declaration represents the culmination of various initiatives that began to be developed in Latin America since 2001. The text of the DPBA was developed over a period of 18 months by a regional committee made up of lawyers from various countries in Latin America and the United States, and finalized in consultation with members of the legal community from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and the United States.
Read Pro Bono Declaration for the Americas.
Some of the organizations committed to Alessandri’s Pro Bono work are:
- Corporación de Ayuda a la Iglesia que Sufre
- Fundación Beethoven
- Fundación Chile Mujeres
- Fundación Chilena para el Síndrome de Down – Complementa
- Fundación Educacional y Cultural La Fuente
- Fundación Iguales
- Fundación Katy Summer