Patent Engineer
/ Matías Saavedra
+562 27876000
/ Description
Matías is a member of the innovation and patenting group of Alessandri. He has experience and academic background both in areas of research and development and in technology transfer, entrepreneurship, intellectual property, R&D financing, innovation management and technology-based business, innovation and patenting.
He has participated in R&D projects that have allowed him to explore a wide range of specialties, such as: microbiology, genetic engineering, bioprocesses, molecular biology and in particular biomining, bioremediation, protein engineering, biophysics and bioinformatics. In addition, he has participated in various consultancies and biotechnology ventures.
Matías is co-author of the first invention patent resulting from an undergraduate thesis at the School of Sciences of Universidad de Chile (accepted at Inapi and filed at the US patent office). He is also author (owner) of a patent protecting a new copper extraction process (granted in USA, Chile, Australia and Peru).
/ Education
/ Experience
2014 – To date
Founding partner and director of Investigación y Desarrollo de Soluciones Tecnológicas Mineras Coriolis Limitada
2014 – 2021
General Coordinator of External Evaluations for Innova and Corfo. Corporación de Desarrollo de Bienes de Capital (CBC).
2010 – 2014
Head of Biotechnologies Engineering Area Antofagasta S.A.
/ Publications
Saavedra, J. M., Azócar, M. A., Rodríguez, V., Ramírez-Sarmiento, C. A., Andrews, B. A., Asenjo, J. A. and Parra, L. P. (2018) “Relevance of Local Flexibility Near the Active Site for Enzymatic Catalysis: Biochemical Characterization and Engineering of Cellulase Cel5A From Bacillus agaradherans”. Article accepted in ISI mainstream journal: Biotechnology Journal. 13(8):1700669.
Acevedo, J. P., Rodríguez, V., Saavedra, J. M., Muñoz, M., Salazar, O., Andrews, B. A. and Asenjo, J. A. (2013) “Cloning, expression and decoding of the cold-adaptation of a new widely represented thermolabile subtilisin-like protease”. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 114(2): 352-63.
Saavedra, J. M., Acevedo, F., González, M. and Seeger, M. (2010). “Mineralization of PCBs by the genetically modified strain Cupriavidus necator JMS34.” Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 87(4): 1543-54.
Seeger, F. Acevedo, J. M. Saavedra, L. Agulló, (2006). “Biorremediación de policlorobifenilos: desde sus bases moleculares a sus aplicaciones en el ambiente”, in Biorremediación de Suelos Contaminados con Compuestos Orgánicos Persistentes (COPs), R. Navia and M. Seeger eds. Navia and M. Seeger eds.; Vol. 1, pp. 87-125, Editorial U. La Frontera, Temuco.