/ M. Ignacia Ormeño Sarralde
/ Description
María Ignacia joined Alessandri Abogados in 2021. She is part of the Technology, Media, Telecommunications and Data Protection team of the firm.
She is in charge of advising companies in the implementation of programs related to the personal data protection, contracting of technologies and cybersecurity in various industries, such as insurance, health, technology, retail, among others. She mainly accompanies clients in the drafting and implementation of privacy policies and cookies .
In 2019, she received the Roberto Dávila Diaz Award, for being the graduate with the best accumulated grade average of her promotion.
/ Education
Supreme Court
/ Experience
January – August 2021
Assistant Contract Quality Degree XIX, Second Family Court of Santiago.
January 2020
Intern in Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uria (PPU Legal).
Marzo 2019
Intern in Barros & Errazuriz.
Marzo 2018
Intern in the Constitutional Court.
/ Memberships
/ Publications
/ Academic activities
2017 – 2021
Teaching assistant in various courses of the Universidad del Desarrollo Law School, mainly as a Research Assistant at the Center for Regulatory and Business Law.