Area director
/ Carla Pacheco
/ Description
Carla has more than twenty years of experience in the Intellectual Property area, which has been combined with academic activities in the Civil and Labor fields. She has advised domestic and foreign clients in the area of intellectual property and related matters, including portfolio management, advertising, unfair competition and related litigation, including management of portfolios abroad, mainly in the Latin American, North American, European and Asian markets.
She has participated in major litigation, including one of the most successful piracy trials of the last decade, as well as in the recovery of intellectual property assets for clients in various industries.
In 2006 and 2007 she attended courses of the Master in Computer Law and Electronic Communications at Universidad de Chile.
Carla leads the intellectual property area of the firm, including trademarks, patents and domain names, both from a legal and practical aspect, managing the processes for the administration of portfolios in the area.
/ Education
Supreme Court
/ Experience
2001 – 2007
Associate in the law firm Paiva & Compañía.
/ Academic activities
2004 – 2009
Assistant Professor of Civil-Labor section at Diego Portales University Legal Clinic.