
/ Macarena Gatica Re-elected as Director of AmCham Chile

November 8, 2023

Our expert in data protection, Macarena Gatica, has been re-elected for a second term as director of AmCham, an organization that promotes business development between Chile and the United States.

Macarena Gatica has been re-elected to her position as director of AmCham, a role she will fulfill for a second term between 2024 and 2026. With this, our partner will be part of the board of the only chamber of commerce led by 60% women. Macarena is an expert in personal data protection and leads the Technology area at Alessandri. She has over fifteen years of legal practice and extensive experience in the fields of technology, data protection, cybersecurity, and e-commerce.

She is also a director of the Direct and Digital Marketing Association of Chile (AMDD). She has worked on projects with companies from various industries: financial (Grupo Security, Bci), securities (DCV), retail (Tricot), food (Agrosuper), education (Aiep), insurance (Vida Security), health (Bupa), automotive (Derco), technology (Masterbase), among others.

About AmCham

According to its website, AmCham Chile encourages the development of business ecosystems between Chile and the United States. It promotes trade, investment, the transfer of innovative practices, and the creation of public-private collaboration spaces that enable sustainable, inclusive, and comprehensive economic growth.

They have four pillars to achieve their objectives: public affairs (representing the interests of partners by delivering positional documents to stakeholders), networking (opportunities for relationship-building among over 440 partner companies), Chile-US relations (free trade agreement), and publications on topics of interest grouped in committees.

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