
/ Bill 11,144 on Data Protection: its Processing Restarts Before the Senate Committee

August 10, 2021

The Senate Finance Committee reviewed the bill 11,144-07 that creates the Data Protection Agency. The discussion focused on the institutional framework and suitability of the CPLT to act as a control body in data protection matters.

Macarena Gatica
Partner Alessandri

On June 29th, 2021, the Senate Finance Committee reviewed the bill 11,144-07 on personal data protection that creates the Data Protection Agency. Lucas Palacios, Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism; Felipe Harböe, former senator and current constituent; and David Ibaceta, General Director of the Council for Transparency (CPLT), were invited as guests.

The discussion again focused on the institutional framework and suitability of the CPLT to act as a control body in matters of data protection. Constituent Felipe Harböe reiterated that the CPLT did not meet international standards, as it lacked the necessary autonomy. He also added that it is urgent for Chile to have an adequate regulation on the matter and that the European Union would be conditioning the treaty with Chile, due to the existence of a regulation similar to the GDPR.

David Ibaceta stated that, although the CPLT is qualified to be the data protection control body, the budget allocated would not be sufficient to fulfill this role.

Check here the June 29th session.

Likewise, on Wednesday, August 4th, the Senate Finance Committee once again discussed the bill in question, without making any progress. The next session was scheduled for Tuesday, August 11th.

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