
/ IAM Patents 2023 destaca a Alessandri

7 de Julio, 2023

Patent 1000 de IAM Media es un directorio que se enfoca en reconocer y destacar a los mejores profesionales y firmas en el campo de las patentes a nivel mundial. Su objetivo principal es proporcionar una guía confiable y completa sobre los expertos y las firmas especializadas en la protección, defensa y monetización de los derechos de propiedad intelectual.

Alessandri fue destacado en 2023 como firma silver en Chile. Nuestros socios Rodrigo Velasco A. y Santiago Ortúzar fueron reconocidos en categoría gold, mientras que Fernando López, ingeniero de patentes, en silver:

“Patrons rely on Alessandri to implement the full set of patent services. The outfit is “able to advise on all patent matters from registrations to legal enforcements before the courts”. Santiago Ortúzar leads the patent division. He is a meticulous strategist with a global perspective. As such, he builds comprehensive cross-border strategies to protect customers’ innovations internationally. His squad provides legal and technical support across the patent life cycle, in Chile and across the globe. Rodrigo Velasco Alessandri is a seasoned IP practitioner with over 20 years’ at the coalface. He brings his expertise in technological matters and the music industry to provide intricate solutions to contentious and transactional matters. Fernando López learned patent examination techniques at the EPO – he therefore possesses a deep understanding of patent drafting processes and an eye for detail, which he brings to registration requests. The well-trained team is “understanding of the client’s business, efficient, flexible and maintains a very good disposition, even when facing the most urgent matters.” Over the past 12 months, Alessandri has supported Bayer with a pharmaceutical application matter, presenting persuasive arguments against oppositions actions in order to successfully register the client’s invention.

Además, Rodrigo Velasco A. fue destacado en la lista IAM Global Leaders de este año.

Ver el perfil completo de Alessandri en IAM Patents.

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