
/ UC Innovation Center raises the Cybersecurity Roadmap

January 16, 2023

The initiative seeks to make visible the lack of knowledge about cybersecurity protection measures. It is not enough to have policies and processes to manage and warn of risks. It is necessary that these are born from within the organizations and are tailored to the specifics of the business; without forgetting collaborators and suppliers training.


Macarena Gatica
Alessandri Abogados


In 2022 I was invited to participate in the “Cybersecurity Roadmap” organized by the UC Innovation Center, Anacleto Angelini and Microsoft. The Board of Consultants of this initiative raised the following need: “Digital transformation cannot be a reality without a cybersecurity strategy that allows the protection of business, critical infrastructure and personal data of owners and consumers.”

Thus was born the need to define a specialized cybersecurity roadmap that would identify common issues in an environment of cross-sector dialogue to lead to the development of work that can be implemented at the country level in view of 2035. With more than one hundred professionals organized in committees, we worked for eight months under this assumption.

The culture committee of which I was a member focused on developing mechanisms for the adoption of good practices and cyber hygiene, which permeate organizational culture and behavior. We considered the cybersecurity culture of company directors, their collaborators, users and citizens in general.

It is undeniable the lack of knowledge that exists at different levels of the risks and protection measures against cybersecurity. For this reason, the Financial Market Commission, when updating the contents of the annual reports (NCG 461), considered the management of risks associated with cybersecurity and data protection, among others. In addition, such management is considered in good corporate governance practices within the framework of ESG standards.

However, it is not enough to have defined policies and processes to manage and warn of risks. It is necessary that these come from within the organization, reflecting its culture and tailored to the characteristics of the business. Not to mention the continuous training of employees and suppliers.

However, education should not only focus on companies. It is essential and a priority to train the most exposed population, the elderly and minors. Moreover, the latter are the talent of the future that the country requires to achieve the goals of digital transformation.

Every day the damages associated with cybersecurity risks exceed those expected, so how we deal with these situations should be a national concern and a state policy. We invite you to join the commitment defined in the roadmap and carry out initiatives to educate about cybersecurity. This will allow Chile to develop and grow in a digital economy that, although it will never be free of risk, it will be possible to reduce them.

Learn more about  the Cibersecurity Roadmap:

Hoja de Ruta de Ciberseguridad

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