/ U. de Chile Law School: Alessandri participates in collaborative event
February 2, 2023With the participation of thirty-seven law firms, the activity aimed to strengthen alliances and maintain cooperation between the Universidad de Chile Law School and Chilean firms.
In order to resume contacts and seek ways of mutual cooperation, the Law School of Universidad de Chile organized a meeting. Coordinated by the Extension and Alumni Office of the Law School of Universidad de Chile, it was attended by 37 law firms. Alessandri was represented by partner Rodrigo Velasco and associate Vicente Guíñez.
During the activity, which is part of the nearly five hundred outreach events developed during 2022 at the School of Law, the upcoming initiatives and projects of this school were discussed, such as the seven Fondecyt projects (three regular and four outreach) awarded to it.
In addition, some infrastructure initiatives were discussed and it was encouraged to use channels that can be useful to external public and private institutions, such as the Job Portal.