
/ LES Chile: Francesca Rodríguez is the first woman president

June 26, 2019

The senior associate of Alessandri Francesca Rodríguez was elected president of the board of the Licensing Executives Society Chile Chapter (LES-Chile). She is the first woman to be elected.

“LES Chile is a space where professionals involved in relevant IP licensing transactions can acquire more tools to optimize their performance and the value they add to their counseling,” explains the lawyer. “I believe that this is a tremendous opportunity as well as an important professional challenge, due to the ‘momentum’ experienced by R&D, innovation, technology transfer and entrepreneurship in Chile. Particularly, in view the implementation of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the discussion that should take place about a Technology Transfer law, and the amendments to the Tax Incentive Law to expenses in R&D and the Industrial Property Law. I would like to contribute from my experience in patenting issues and from the synergies needed in interdisciplinary contexts, such as those essential for inventions to arise. The idea is to promote real convergence between engineers, scientists, researchers, academics, lawyers, companies and the public sector, too, so that as LES Chile we can make room to effective exchange to create new and better opportunities for technology-based businesses, adding value and diversity to the traditional models of products and services offer in Chile.”

Francesca is a lawyer from the Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela) and has a master’s degree in international law, investment, commerce and arbitration from the University of Heidelberg and the University of Chile, specializing in Intellectual Property, with emphasis on matters related to patents, utility models, plant varieties and industrial designs.

Learn more about LES Chile.