
/ Cost of trademark and patent application fees cut down

October 25, 2013

The fee reduction is currently operating and reflects the efforts of both the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security and the INAPI to facilitate access to industrial property rights.

Since the transfer of the Official Gazette to the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security, on August 26, 3013, this government office decided to offer more reasonable fee rates to users needing to make a publication.
As a result, fee rates have dropped by 45%. This reduction applies to the publication of abstracts of any industrial property right applications.
Payment and review of trademark abstracts may be carried online, at, Processing and Services, to select “Application for Publication in the Official Gazette”. Same information may also be reviewed at the Official Gazette´s website,
This Official Gazette benefit has a positive effect on the total cost of registering a trademark and supplements the permanent efforts made by Instituto Nacional de Propiedad Industrial – INAPI – to facilitate access to industrial property rights and, thus, better serve its users.


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